On our way to the ThunderDrôme, we stopped first by the "city of lights", Quasimodo's pad, i.e. Paris! We spent a few days visiting with Vivi and Pierrot who (finally?) settled after years and years of expatriation...
La tour de M. Eiffel.
Mr. Eiffel's tower.
La statue de liberté a fait le déplacement aussi!

Inspector Clouseau, with the moustache and all! Zis iz incredibeul!

Bobo came by for a great dinner prepared by Vivi!
Vivi and Pierrot taking a pose at the Senate park.
Vivi et Pierrot prennent la pose au park du Sénat.
Going back from the Panthéon...
En revenant du Panthéon...
On a même pu revoir Bobo autour d'un bon dîner préparé par la maitresse de la maison Vivi!

A la Sorbonne...
The prestigious Sorbonne...
Thank you guys for having us, it was a blast!
Merci les jeunes, ce fut un plaisir de vous revoir!